
5 Best Clean Mineral Sunscreens - The Beauty Doctrine

5 Best Mineral Sunscreens

Sunscreen is the cosmetic product that most agree should be a staple in everyone's daily routine. Many choose their sunscreen based on two criteria; texture and the SPF number on the bottle, not considering the most integral part to the product's efficacy, which is the ingredients themselves. Not to mention, the toxic load of each formula. So let's take some time to unpack all of this. Read on... You may find yourself shopping quite differently for this very essential product.

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Why Most Vitamin C Products Can Harm Your Skin

  This article might go against everything you've been taught with regards to Vitamin-C, an ingredient that has been touted for decades, as being an age-reversing miracle worker; essential to increasing skin radiance, reducing pigmentation, fighting off free radicals, and building Collagen. Things aren't that simple. If it all were true, considering the billions of dollars sold yearly in Vitamin-C products, none of us would have any remaining skin concerns. Why is Vitamin C important in skincare? While I won't question the power of Vitamin-C in supporting our immune system, enhancing nutrient absorption, and helping keep our bodies healthy, and skin youthful;...

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5 Facial Tools with Big Results, that are Worth your Money! - The Beauty Doctrine

5 Facial Tools with Big Results, that are Worth your Money!

I've always believed in the power of skincare and a balanced diet for attaining healthy skin. However, getting to my mid-forties, I now realize that my skin needs more support. I am not one for monthly facials. I've always believed that what I do on a daily basis has a far greater impact on my skin that the occasional facial.  I much rather invest in the tools that the facialist uses and have them at my disposal for consistent use. And, so my tool collection has been growing. My skin couldn't be happier!  I rounded up the top 5 tools...

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Best Clean Skincare Routine for Acne Prone Skin - The Beauty Doctrine

Best Skincare Routine for Acne Prone Skin

What causes acne and how is it treated? Acne is an inflammatory skin disorder characterized by red bumps, pimples or blackheads, and caused by excess sebum production and bacteria, often trapped by dead skin cells. In trying to treat acne most practitioners prescribe solutions designed to perform two main functions: dry out the skin surface to eliminate bacteria, and exfoliate the surface layer to eliminate dead skin cells. It sounds very simple. Right? Not so fast. This approach may improve acne for a short period of time, but it's merely a bandaid that leaves the underlying issue unresolved. What practitioners...

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